Intrusion Detection Systems: A Revisit of Performance Evaluation Parameters
Computer systems security, Intrusion detection system, Network Security, Performance evaluation metrics, Cyber-Physical Systems.Abstract
The effectiveness efficiency of various intrusion detection systems (IDSs) have always been evaluated on various datasets using different techniques. This evaluation normally covers a range of metrics, ranging from those that evaluated their accuracy to those that focus on their usability and performance. The evaluation of several attributes of IDS depends on the use of several metrics which have been proposed and used in various studies. Regrettably, there are no existing benchmark metric for the network intrusion detection systems as studies are still ongoing in this regard. Quantitative evaluation of the performance of IDS is mainly based on the use of several performance but in this article, most of the existing performance metrics were reviewed and used for the evaluation of the performance of various IDSs using different benchmark datasets. Furthermore, this study will aid in better understanding of the various performance metrics used for the evaluation of the performance of novel IDSs.; it will also further the insights to those that have found interest in the uses and the development of IDSs and related areas.
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